An evening showcasing the work of the students from the REcreative film school 2017. The work is curated by the students, with Saeed Taji Farouky, film director, and Laura Wilson, the SLG’s Young People’s Programme Manager. The REcreative Film School is organised in partnership with Film Africa and the SLG’s South by South programme.
Hassan Abdulrazzak, Layla Azamoudeh-Tosifi, Baile Beyai, Seyi Bolarin, Jana Dahlawi, Ufuoma Essi, Steph Hargreaves, Usman Khan, Lucie Kordacova, Leticia Laxon, Laura Matilde Mannino, Hermione Mills, Shirhan Mohamed, Emir Nader, Mohammed Osman, Radha Patel, Lettie Precious, Ruby Waugh
and Perri Wheeler.