View of proposed exterior of the former Peckham Road Fire Station by 6a architects
We would like to say a huge thank you from everyone at the South London Gallery for helping us cross the road! The success of our Art Happens crowdfunding campaign means we can now kit out the Fire Station and the additional funds will enable final touches to be made to the building before it opens on 22 September 2018.
With your generous support we are delighted to have raised £29,209, which is 116% of our target. With contributions from 386 people, this has been the most popular Art Happens campaign ever in terms of numbers of donors. We are so grateful to everyone who has donated from our neighbours on Sceaux Gardens and Pelican Estates, to local cinema the Peckham Plex, to donors across the world including Amsterdam, Rio, Rome, Dallas and Melbourne!
Please subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to hear about our opening events and we hope you can join us to celebrate the realisation of this exciting project.
For those of you who chose a reward, these will go into production soon and we will keep you updated about when you will be receiving them.
Thank you so much again for your valuable support.