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Simon & Tom Bloor: Happy Habitat Revisited
7 May – 19 Jun 2011
Past exhibition

Simon & Tom Bloor's, The fascination of islands II, 2011. Courtesy: the artist

Brothers Simon & Tom Bloor have been working collaboratively since 2003, exploring moments of flawed idealism through sculpture, drawing and installations. For their exhibition in the South London Gallery’s (SLG) new galleries in The Matsudaira Wing, they present a group of new and recent works to establish a commentary on ideas of urban play as a utopian pursuit. Characteristically translating existing source material to prompt new readings, small sculptures in cardboard and gold leaf reclaim old playground designs, cartoons from The New Yorker are reworked in gouache and a found text is adapted into a new wall painting.

<p>Simon & Tom Bloor’s, <em>The fascination of islands II</em>, 2011. Courtesy: the artist</p>

Simon & Tom Bloor’s, The fascination of islands II, 2011. Courtesy: the artist

Exhibition view

Installation view of Simon &amp; Tom Bloor&#8217;s&#8217;s Happy Habitat Revisited installed in the First Floor Galleries, 2011. Photo: Andy Keate
Installation view from Simon &amp; Tom Bloor&#8217;s 2011 exhibition Happy Habitat Revisited. Photo: Andy Keate
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