Pope.L: Hospital, South London Gallery, 2023. Photo: Andy Stagg. Courtesy of the Artist.
Join Martin Glover for a British Sign Language tour of Pope.L:Hospital.
Attendees will be invited to socialise and grab a drink together in the café afterwards.
The tour is free but booking is essential.
The tour will last for approximately one hour and there will be an opportunity afterwards for discussion of the exhibition in our café, South London Louie.
About Martin Glover
Martin, deaf BSL user, is an architect and art facilitator. Across the UK, he delivers tours and workshops on contemporary art, architecture, street art, and public art/sculpture. He also manages his Digitspace project, championing better visual art access nationally.
- All spaces are well lit with low noise
- A large print exhibition guide is available
- Seating is available in front of all films
- Ear plugs, ear defenders, magnifying glasses and wheelchairs are all available
- See our access page for more information
Please note Gallery 2 in the Fire Station has low lighting. There is bright lighting in the Main Gallery and Gallery 4.