RECreative Documentation day with Leonie Roushman, Hannah Lees, Paul Maheke and Laura Wilson. Photo: Ollie Hammock
These informal advice sessions for young people are led by a range of professionals working within the creative sector.
Short seminars will run in Gallery 4 in the Fire Station, each one will focus on a different aspect of the creative sector delivered by professionals working in that field. Places cannot be booked in advance for these sessions, please arrive at the Fire Station 15 minutes before, places allocated on a first come first served basis:
1-1.45pm: Art Communications: how to tell the world about your work
Rachel Cass, Head of Communications at the South London Gallery (SLG), will run a session on planning clear, engaging communications to spread the word about your ideas and projects. We will consider simple, effective ways to engage with press and other stakeholders, including website and digital strategies.
2.30-3.15pm: Fundraising
Clare Robson, Senior Development Manager at the SLG and artist Laura Wilson will lead a session introducing arts fundraising, some key funders for the arts and top tips on writing a strong application.
4-4.45pm: Networking and Residency opportunities
Artist Thom Bridge is the founder and coordinator of Field/s, a forum of thirteen artists, photographers and curators that are joined every month by an invited guest. Field/s aims to encourage transnational, intergenerational and cross-disciplinary discussions between arts professionals. The forum is now hosted by Gasworks.
5-5:15pm: Introduction to New Contemporaries
Séamus McCormack, Programme Manager at New Contemporaries, will give an introduction to the organisation and the 2019 open call.
Have a question about where to go next? Stuck in a rut with an idea? Get 1:1 advice on a work in progress in a bookable 30 minute session with a curator or programmer working with the South London Gallery and New Contemporaries. Please note these 1:1 sessions are now FULLY BOOKED. To join the waiting list please email mail@southlondongallery.org with the text ‘REcreative Portfolio Session’ as the subject line
This event has been organised by the REcreative Editorial Board to coincide with Bloomberg New Contemporaries.