SOS_23 presents the work of 13 emerging artists and designers. They explore ways to make art and design work better for marginalised communities in their everyday lives.
School SOS is an alternative free school in critical spatial practices that helps participants develop projects that are politically active and socially focused. The 2023 participants were selected from an open call and through the four-week course have had access to workshops in digital media making and presentations from leading artists, designers and writers.
This presentation in the SLG’s Fire Station attic, offers a snapshot of their individual research projects. The work focuses on serving the communities that they are a part of and look at a range of social issues including, opposition to warehouse redevelopments, a future for queer spaces, neurodivergent approaches to design, aquatic access in BAME communities, and many others. The presentations show the beginnings of future projects, collaborations and their personal practice.
SOS23 Participants
Toyosi Adenuga
Mareena DeGuzman Khawar
Miriam Dreyer
Amy Grant
Demitri Kirlew
Dan Norman
Lucy Nurnberg
Lenny Rajmont
Caitlin Strongarm
Francesca Telling
River Wittke
Yunxi Wu
Ollie Goldman-Jacob
School SOS is an ever-growing partnership between practising designers, artists, students, critical thinkers, activists, cultural institutions, sponsors, existing schools and universities. As such, SOS is a network of like-minded individuals.
Pierre Shaw: Cofounder and Director
Pierre obtained his BA in Architecture at the University of Sheffield before completing his MA in Architecture at the Royal College of Art in 2018. Pierre has held a research fellowship with the British Council at the Venice 15th Biennale Architettura and is a PhD graduate researcher in architecture and critical design pedagogy at UCA, Canterbury.
Pierre is currently practicing as an architect and teaching Interior Design at the Royal College of Art, London.
Kishan San: Cofounder and Director
Kishan completed a BA in Architecture at the University of Westminster in 2015 and a Diploma in Architecture at the Architectural Association in 2019. Kishan works as a Researcher at the Turner Prize-nominated human rights research agency Forensic Architecture (FA), based at Goldsmiths, University of London.
With FA his work has been tabled for discussion at European Parliament (the LIBE Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) and has been published in numerous media outlets including, The Guardian, The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, Mediapart, Efsyn, and Madr Masr.