Ed Webb-Ingall, The Archive Is Political, 2019
Ed Webb-Ingall presents a new film made in collaboration with community video pioneer Carry Gorney, the Local History Group from the Southwark Pensioners Centre and the SLG’s youth forum, the Art Assassins. The two groups used community video-making techniques to explore the question: ‘what was your first political act?’. The resulting film reflects on intergenerational exchange and the weight of political actions over time.
Ed Webb-Ingall is a writer and filmmaker. Ed recently completed a practice-based PhD at Royal Holloway University, where he carried out the first in-depth study of the history and practice of community video in the UK. Ed currently runs the public programme for the London Community Video Archive, at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Ed’s research and film practice have resulted in opportunities to present, exhibit and publish his work nationally and internationally.
Carry Gorney is an artist, writer and psychotherapist currently living between London and Eastern France. She has worked in community arts and video since 1968. Among her many initiatives she developed the use of video for community participation.