Céline Condorelli has carefully selected a list of rich and varied texts to coincide with the current installation, After Work. Delve into the themes explored in the exhibition, including play, public space, collaboration and labour.
Some titles are available to purchase from the South London Gallery Bookshop – drop by today to see our ‘What’s On’ display of exhibition-related reading materials.
• Lars Bang Larsen, Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, Playgrounds: Reinventing the Square, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2014
• Jay Bernard, Surge, Chatto & Windus, 2019 (available in the South London Gallery Bookshop)
• Gabriela Burkhalter, The Playground Project, JRP Ringier, 2018 and the related website archive: website archive: http://architekturfuerkinder.ch/geschichte/x-triennale-milano-1954/
• Melissa Gordon, Marina Vishmidt, LABOUR, with contributions by Rachal Bradley & Jessica Wiesner, Emma Hedditch, Henry VIII’s Wives, Kaisa Lassinaro, Avigail Moss, Nina Power, Lisette Smits, Claudia Sola, Meredyth Sparks, Marina Vishmidt, self published, 2011
• Alexandra Lange, The Design of Childhood, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018 (available in the South London Gallery Bookshop)
• Zeuler Lima, Lina Bo Bardi, Drawings, Princeton University Press, 2019 (available in the South London Gallery Bookshop)
• Nina Power and Freedom Press, Why Work?; Arguments for the Leisure Society, Press and Freedom Press, 2019
• Ben Rivers, Ways of World Making, Mousse Magazine & Pub, 2017 (available in the South London Gallery Bookshop)
• Nichole Marie Shippen, Decolonizing Time, Work, Leisure, and Freedom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
• Aldo Van Eyck – Orphanage Amsterdam / Playgrounds, Architectura & Natura Press, 2017 (available in the South London Gallery Bookshop)
• Kathi Weeks, “Hours for What We Will”: Work, Family, and the Movement for Shorter Hours, Feminist Studies, Spring 2009, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Spring 2009), pp. 101-127
Céline Condorelli with Ben Rivers and Jay Bernard: After Work is on at the Fire Station Galleries 2&3 until 5 June