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The schools programme at the South London Gallery (SLG) is free and open to schools and colleges across all key stages, as well as early years settings.

Follow the links below to explore our teaching resources.

To find out about upcoming opportunities for schools and events please click here to sign up to our Schools newsletter.


To visit the SLG with your class or year group, you need to book in advance.

The Schools Programme is supported by Southwark Council, Hauser & Wirth and Mercedes Zobel

Schools resources

Schools resources

Discover a range of teachers' resources offering engaging prompts and tools for discussing contemporary art.

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Artist-led Workshops

Artist-led Workshops

The South London Gallery offers free artist-led workshops for state-maintained primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. 

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Self-led Visits

Self-led Visits

We welcome self-led visits from primary schools, secondary schools and colleges to explore our exhibitions.

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